Poisson2D Interface

public interface Poisson2D

Constructor for generating a Poisson2D matrix. The matrix corresponds to the standard second-order accurate finite-difference approximation of the Laplace operator with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.


  • Construct the finite-difference approximation of the Laplace operator on the rectangular domain using 128 points in the horizontal direction and 256 in the vertical one.
   type(Poisson2D)     :: A
   integer, parameter  :: nx = 128, ny = 256
   real(dp), parameter :: Lx = 1.0_dp, Ly = 2.0_dp

   A = Poisson2D(nx, ny, Lx, Ly)


Only doube precision is currently supported for this matrix type.


Note that Lx and Ly are optional. If not specified, they default to 1.0_dp.


private pure module function initialize(nx, ny, Lx, Ly) result(A)

Utility function to construct a Poisson2D matrix.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=ilp), intent(in) :: nx

Number of grid points in each direction.

integer(kind=ilp), intent(in) :: ny

Number of grid points in each direction.

real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: Lx

Physical extent of each dimension.

real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: Ly

Physical extent of each dimension.

Return Value type(Poisson2D)

Corresponding Poisson2D matrix.