
ProcedureLocationProcedure TypeDescription
Bidiagonal specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface provides different methods to construct a Bidiagonal matrix. Only the non-zero elements of are stored, i.e.

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Circulant specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

Utility function to embed an m x n Toeplitz matrix into an (m+n) x (m+n) Circulant matrix.

Circulant specialmatrices_circulant Interface

This interface provides methods to construct Circulant matrices. Given a vector , the associated Circulant matrix is the following [n x n] matrix

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dense specialmatrices_strang Interface

Convert a matrix of type Strang to its dense representation as a standard rank-2 array

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dense specialmatrices_poisson2D Interface

Cnvert a matrix of type Poisson2D to its dense representation as a standard rank-2 array.

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dense specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

Convert a Toeplitz matrix to a standard rank-2 array.

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dense specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface provides methods to convert a Diagonal matrix to a regular rank-2 array.

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dense specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface provides methods to convert a Bidiagonal matrix to a regular rank-2 array.

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dense specialmatrices_circulant Interface

Convert a Circulant matrix to its dense representation.

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dense specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface provides methods to convert a SymTridiagonal matrix to a regular rank-2 array.

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dense specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface provides methods to convert a Tridiagonal matrix to a regular rank-2 array.

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det specialmatrices_strang Interface

This interface overloads the det interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the determinant where is of type Strang.

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det specialmatrices_poisson2D Interface

This interface overloads the det interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the determinant of a Poisson2D matrix .

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det specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

This interface overloads the det interface from stdlib_linag to compute the determinant where is of type Toeplitz.

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det specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface overloads the det interface from stdlib_linag to compute the determinant where is of type Diagonal.

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det specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the det interface from stdlib_linag to compute the determinant where is of type Bidiagonal.

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det specialmatrices_circulant Interface

This interface overloads the det interface from stdlib_linag to compute the determinant where is of type Circulant.

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det specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the det interface from stdlib_linag to compute the determinant where is of type SymTridiagonal.

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det specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the det interface from stdlib_linag to compute the determinant where is of type Tridiagonal.

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Diagonal specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface provides different methods to construct a Diagonal matrix. Only the diagonal elements of are being stored, i.e.

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eig specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

This interface overloads the eig interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real-valued matrix whose type is Toeplitz.

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eig specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the eigh interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real-valued matrix whose type is Bidiagonal.

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eig specialmatrices_circulant Interface

This interface overloads the eig interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real-valued matrix whose type is Circulant.

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eig specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the eig interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real-valued matrix whose type is Tridiagonal.

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eigh specialmatrices_strang Interface

This interface overloads the eigh interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Strang matrix.

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eigh specialmatrices_poisson2D Interface

This interface overloads the eigh interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Poisson2D matrix .

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eigh specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface overloads the eigh interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real-valued matrix whose type is Diagonal.

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eigh specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the eigh interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix whose type is SymTridiagonal.

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eigvals specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

This interface overloads the eigvals interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues of a real-valued matrix whose type is Toeplitz.

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eigvals specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the eigvalsh interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues of a real-valued matrix whose type is Bidiagonal.

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eigvals specialmatrices_circulant Interface

This interface overloads the eigvals interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues of a real-valued matrix whose type is Circulant.

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eigvals specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the eigvals interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues of a real-valued matrix whose type is Tridiagonal.

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eigvalsh specialmatrices_strang Interface

This interface overloads the eigvalsh interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues of a Strang matrix. Note that these eigenvalues are known analytically.

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eigvalsh specialmatrices_poisson2D Interface

This interface overloads the eigvalsh interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues of the Poisson2D matrix .

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eigvalsh specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface overloads the eigvalsh interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues of a real-valued matrix whose type is Diagonal.

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eigvalsh specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the eigvalsh interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the eigenvalues of a matrix whose type is SymTridiagonal.

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inv specialmatrices_diagonal Interface
inv specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface
inv specialmatrices_circulant Interface
inv specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface
inv specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface
matmul specialmatrices_strang Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic matmul for the Strang matrix, both for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. For matrix-matrix product , only can be a Strang matrix. Both and are standard rank-2 arrays. All underlying functions are defined as pure.

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matmul specialmatrices_poisson2D Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic matmul for a Poisson2D matrixn, both for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. For a matrix-matrix product , only the matrix has to be a Poisson2D matrix. Both and are standard Fortran rank-2 arrays.

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matmul specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic matmul for a Toeplitz matrix, both for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. For a matrix-matrix product , only the matrix has to be a Toeplitz matrix. Both and need to be standard Fortran rank-2 arrays. All the underlying functions are defined as pure.

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matmul specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic matmul for a Diagonal matrix, both for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. For a matrix-matrix product , only the matrix has to be a Diagonal matrix. Both and need to be standard Fortran rank-2 arrays. All the underlying functions are defined as pure.

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matmul specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic matmul for a Bidiagonal matrix, both for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. For a matrix-matrix product , only the matrix has to be a Bidiagonal matrix. Both and need to be standard Fortran rank-2 arrays. All the underlying functions are defined as pure.

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matmul specialmatrices_circulant Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic matmul for a Circulant matrix, both for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. For a matrix-matrix product , only the matrix has to be a Circulant matrix. Both and need to be standard Fortran rank-2 arrays. All the underlying functions are defined as pure.

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matmul specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic matmul for a SymTridiagonal matrix, both for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. For a matrix-matrix product , only the matrix has to be a SymTridiagonal matrix. Both and need to be standard Fortran rank-2 arrays. All the underlying functions are defined as pure.

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matmul specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic matmul for a Tridiagonal matrix, both for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix products. For a matrix-matrix product , only the matrix has to be a Tridiagonal matrix. Both and need to be standard Fortran rank-2 arrays. All the underlying functions are defined as pure.

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operator(*) specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface
operator(*) specialmatrices_diagonal Interface
operator(*) specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface
operator(*) specialmatrices_circulant Interface
operator(*) specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface
operator(*) specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface
Poisson2D specialmatrices_poisson2D Interface

Constructor for generating a Poisson2D matrix. The matrix corresponds to the standard second-order accurate finite-difference approximation of the Laplace operator with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.

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say_hello SpecialMatrices Subroutine
shape specialmatrices_strang Interface

Utility function returning the shape of a Strang matrix .

shape specialmatrices_poisson2D Interface

Utility function to return the shape a Poisson2D matrix .

shape specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

Utility function to return the size of a Toeplitz matrix.

shape specialmatrices_diagonal Interface
shape specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface
shape specialmatrices_circulant Interface

Utility function to return the shape of a Circulant matrix.

shape specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface
shape specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface
size specialmatrices_strang Interface

Utility function returning the size of a Strang matrix along a given dimension.

size specialmatrices_poisson2D Interface

Utility function to return the size of a Poisson2D matrix along a given dimension.

size specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

Utility function to return the size of Toeplitz matrix along a given dimension.

size specialmatrices_diagonal Interface
size specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface
size specialmatrices_circulant Interface

Utility function to return the size of a Circulant matrix along a given dimension.

size specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface
size specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface
solve specialmatrices_strang Interface

This interface overloads the solve interface from stdlib_linalg for solving a system where is a Strang matrix. It also enables to solve a linear system with multiple right-hand sides.

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solve specialmatrices_poisson2D Interface

This interface overloads the solve interface from stdlib_linalg for solving a system where is a Poisson2D matrix. It also enables to solve a linear system with multiple right-hand sides.

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solve specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

This interface overloads the solve interface from stdlib_linalg for solving a linear system where is a Toeplitz matrix. It also enables to solve a linear system with multiple right-hand sides.

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solve specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface overloads the solve interface from stdlib_linalg for solving a linear system where is a Diagonal matrix. It also enables to solve a linear system with multiple right-hand sides.

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solve specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the solve interface from stdlib_linalg for solving a linear system where is a Bidiagonal matrix. It also enables to solve a linear system with multiple right-hand sides.

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solve specialmatrices_circulant Interface

This interface overloads the solve interface from stdlib_linalg for solving a linear system where is a Circulant matrix. It also enables to solve a linear system with multiple right-hand sides.

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solve specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the solve interface from stdlib_linalg for solving a linear system where is a SymTridiagonal matrix. It also enables to solve a linear system with multiple right-hand sides.

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solve specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the solve interface from stdlib_linalg for solving a linear system where is a Tridiagonal matrix. It also enables to solve a linear system with multiple right-hand sides.

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Strang specialmatrices_strang Interface

Constructor for generating the Strang matrix of size n. The matrix corresponds to the standard 3-point finite-difference approximation of the 1D Laplace operator with unit grid-spacing () and homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. It reads

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svd specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface overloads the svd interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the the singular value decomposition of a Diagonal matrix .

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svd specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the svd interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the the singular value decomposition of a Bidiagonal matrix .

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svd specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the svd interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the the singular value decomposition of a SymTridiagonal matrix .

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svd specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the svd interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the the singular value decomposition of a Tridiagonal matrix .

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svdvals specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface overloads the svdvals interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the singular values of a Diagonal matrix .

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svdvals specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the svdvals interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the singular values of a Bidiagonal matrix .

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svdvals specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the svdvals interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the singular values of a SymTridiagonal matrix .

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svdvals specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the svdvals interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the singular values of a Tridiagonal matrix .

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SymTridiagonal specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface provides different methods to construct a SymTridiagonal matrix. Only the non-zero elements of are stored, i.e.

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Toeplitz specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

This interface provides methods to construct Toeplitz matrices. Given a vector vc specifying the first column of the matrix and a vector vr specifying its first row, the associated Toeplitz matrix is the following matrix

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trace specialmatrices_strang Interface

This interface overloads the trace interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the trace of a matrix of type Strang.

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trace specialmatrices_poisson2D Interface

This interace overloads the trace interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the trace of a Poisson2D matrix .

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trace specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

This interface overloads the trace interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the trace of a matrix of type Toeplitz.

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trace specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface overloads the trace interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the trace of a matrix of type Diagonal.

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trace specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the trace interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the trace of a matrix of type Bidiagonal.

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trace specialmatrices_circulant Interface

This interface overloads the trace interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the trace of a matrix of type Circulant.

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trace specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the trace interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the trace of a matrix of type SymTridiagonal.

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trace specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the trace interface from stdlib_linalg to compute the trace of a matrix of type Tridiagonal.

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transpose specialmatrices_toeplitz Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic procedure to define the transpose operation of a Toeplitz matrix.

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transpose specialmatrices_diagonal Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic procedure to define the transpose operation for a Diagonal matrix.

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transpose specialmatrices_bidiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic procedure to define the transpose of a Bidiagonal matrix.

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transpose specialmatrices_circulant Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic procedure to define the transpose operation of a Circulant matrix.

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transpose specialmatrices_symtridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic procedure to define the transpose operation for a SymTridiagonal matrix.

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transpose specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic procedure to define the transpose operation for a Tridiagonal matrix.

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Tridiagonal specialmatrices_tridiagonal Interface

This interface provides different methods to construct a Tridiagonal matrix. Only the non-zero elements of are stored, i.e.

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