Derived Types

Bidiagonal specialmatrices_bidiagonal None

Base type used to define a Bidiagonal matrix of size [n, n] with diagonals given by rank-1 arrays dv (size n) and ev (size n-1).

Circulant specialmatrices_circulant None

Base type to define a Circulant matrix of size [n x n] with elements given by the vector

Diagonal specialmatrices_diagonal None

Base type used to define a Diagonal matrix of size [n x n] with diagonal elements given by the rank-1 array dv.

Poisson2D specialmatrices_poisson2D None

Base type used to define a Poisson2D matrix on a rectangular domain discretized with nx and ny points in each direction and corresponding grid spacings dx and dy.

Strang specialmatrices_strang None

Base type used to define the Strang matrix.

SymTridiagonal specialmatrices_symtridiagonal None

Base type used to define a SymTridiagonal matrix of size [n, n] with diagonals given by rank-1 arrays dv (size n) and ev (size n-1).

Toeplitz specialmatrices_toeplitz None

Base type to define a Toeplitz matrix of size [m x n]. The first column is given by the vector vc while the first row is given by vr.

Tridiagonal specialmatrices_tridiagonal None

Base type used to define a Tridiagonal matrix of size [n, n] with diagonals given by rank-1 arrays dl (size n), dv (size n-1) and du (size n-1).