Toeplitz Interface

public interface Toeplitz

This interface provides methods to construct Toeplitz matrices. Given a vector vc specifying the first column of the matrix and a vector vr specifying its first row, the associated Toeplitz matrix is the following matrix


   integer, parameter :: m = 100, n = 200
   real(dp) :: vc(n), vr(n)
   type(Toeplitz) :: A

   call random_number(vc) ; call random_number(vr)
   A = Toeplitz(vc, vr)


The element is read from the first entry of the vector vc. The first entry of vr is not referenced.


Only double precision is currently supported for this matrix type.


private pure module function construct(vc, vr) result(A)

Construct a Toeplitz matrix from the rank-1 arrays vc and vr.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: vc(:)

First column of the matrix.

real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: vr(:)

First row of the matrix.

Return Value type(Toeplitz)

Corresponding Toeplitz matrix.