module specialmatrices_tridiagonal use stdlib_linalg_constants, only: dp, ilp, lk implicit none(type, external) private ! --> Linear algebra public :: transpose public :: det, trace public :: matmul public :: inv public :: solve public :: svd, svdvals public :: eig, eigvals ! --> Utility functions. public :: dense public :: shape public :: size public :: operator(*) !------------------------------------------------------- !----- Base types for Tridiagonal matrices ----- !------------------------------------------------------- type, public :: Tridiagonal !! Base type used to define a `Tridiagonal` matrix of size `[n, n]` !! with diagonals given by rank-1 arrays `dl` (size `n`), `dv` !! (size `n-1`) and `du` (size `n-1`). private integer(ilp) :: n !! Dimension of the matrix. real(dp), allocatable :: dl(:), dv(:), du(:) !! Tridiagonal elements of the matrix. end type !-------------------------------- !----- Constructors ----- !-------------------------------- interface Tridiagonal !! This interface provides different methods to construct a !! `Tridiagonal` matrix. Only the non-zero elements of \( A \) are !! stored, i.e. !! !! \[ !! A !! = !! \begin{bmatrix} !! a_1 & b_1 \\ !! c_1 & a_2 & b_2 \\ !! & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots \\ !! & & c_{n-2} & a_{n-1} & b_{n-1} \\ !! & & & c_{n-1} & a_n !! \end{bmatrix}. !! \] !! !! #### Syntax !! !! - Construct a `Tridiagonal` matrix filled with zeros: !! !! ```fortran !! integer, parameter :: n = 100 !! type(Tridiagonal) :: A !! !! A = Tridiagonal(n) !! ``` !! !! - Construct a `Tridiagonal` matrix from rank-1 arrays: !! !! ```fortran !! integer, parameter :: n !! real(dp), allocatable :: dl(:), dv(:), du(:) !! type(Tridiagonal) :: A !! integer :: i !! !! dl = [(i, i=1, n-1)]; dv = [(2*i, i=1, n)]; du = [(3*i, i=1, n)] !! A = Tridiagonal(dl, dv, du) !! ``` !! !! - Construct a `Tridiagonal` matrix with constant diagonals: !! !! ```fortran !! integer, parameter :: n !! real(dp), parameter :: a = 1.0_dp, b = 1.0_dp, c = 2.0_dp !! type(Tridiagonal) :: A !! !! A = Tridiagonal(a, b, c, n) !! ``` !! !! @note !! Only `double precision` is currently supported for this matrix type. !! @endnote pure module function initialize(n) result(A) !! Construct a `Tridiagonal` matrix filled with zeros. integer(ilp), intent(in) :: n !! Dimension of the matrix. type(Tridiagonal) :: A !! Tridiagonal matrix. end function pure module function construct(dl, dv, du) result(A) !! Construct a `Tridiagonal` matrix from the rank-1 arrays `dl`, !! `dv` and `du`. real(dp), intent(in) :: dl(:), dv(:), du(:) !! Tridiagonal elements of the matrix. type(Tridiagonal) :: A !! Tridiagonal matrix. end function pure module function construct_constant(dl, dv, du, n) result(A) !! Construct a `Tridiagonal` matrix with constant diagonal elements. real(dp), intent(in) :: dl, dv, du !! Tridiagonal elements of the matrix. integer(ilp), intent(in) :: n !! Dimension of the matrix. type(Tridiagonal) :: A !! Tridiagonal matrix. end function end interface !------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- Matrix-vector and Matrix-matrix multiplications ----- !------------------------------------------------------------------- interface matmul !! This interface overloads the Fortran intrinsic `matmul` for a !! `Tridiagonal` matrix, both for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix !! products. For a matrix-matrix product \( C = AB \), only the matrix !! \( A \) has to be a `Tridiagonal` matrix. Both \( B \) and \( C \) !! need to be standard Fortran rank-2 arrays. All the underlying !! functions are defined as `pure`. !! !! #### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! y = matmul(A, x) !! ``` module function spmv(A, x) result(y) !! Compute the matrix-vector product \(y = Ax\) for a `Tridiagonal` !! matrix \(A\). Both `x` and `y` are rank-1 arrays with the same !! kind as `A`. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. real(dp), target, intent(in) :: x(:) !! Input vector. real(dp), target, allocatable :: y(:) !! Output vector. end function pure module function spmvs(A, x) result(y) !! Compute the matrix-matrix product \(Y = Ax\) for a `Tridiagonal` !! matrix \(A\) and a dense matrix \(X\) (rank-2 array). \(Y\) is !! also a rank-2 array with the same dimensions as \(X\). type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. real(dp), intent(in) :: X(:, :) !! Input vectors. real(dp), allocatable :: Y(:, :) !! Output vectors. end function end interface !----------------------------------------------- !----- Linear systems of equations ----- !----------------------------------------------- interface solve !! This interface overloads the `solve` interface from `stdlib_linalg` !! for solving a linear system \( Ax = b \) where \( A \) is a !! `Tridiagonal` matrix. It also enables to solve a linear system with !! multiple right-hand sides. !! !! #### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! x = solve(A, b [, refine]) !! ``` !! !! #### Arguments !! !! - `A` : Matrix of `Tridiagonal` type. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `b` : Rank-1 or rank-2 array defining the right-hand side(s). !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `refine` (optional) : Logical switch to enable solution refinement. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `x` : Solution of the linear system. !! It has the same type and shape as `b`. module function solve_single_rhs(A, b, refine) result(x) !! Solve the linear system \(Ax=b\) where \(A\) is of type !! `Tridiagonal` and `b` a standard rank-1 array. The solution !! vector `x` has the same dimension and kind as `b`. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Coefficient matrix. real(dp), intent(in), target :: b(:) !! Right-hand side vector. logical(lk), optional, intent(in) :: refine !! Whether iterative refinement is used or not. real(dp), allocatable, target :: x(:) !! Solution vector. end function module function solve_multi_rhs(A, b, refine) result(x) !! Solve the linear system \(AX=B\) where \(A\) is of type !! `Tridiagonal` and `B` a standard rank-2 array. The solution !! matrix `X` has the same dimensions and kind as `B`. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Coefficient matrix. real(dp), intent(in) :: b(:, :) !! Right-hand side vectors. logical(lk), optional, intent(in) :: refine !! Whether iterative refined is used or not. real(dp), allocatable, target :: x(:, :) !! Solution vectors. end function end interface interface inv pure module function inv_rdp(A) result(B) !! Compute the inverse of a `Tridiagonal` matrix. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. real(dp), allocatable :: B(:, :) !! Inverse of `A`. end function end interface !----------------------------------------- !----- Determinant and Trace ----- !----------------------------------------- interface det !! This interface overloads the `det` interface from `stdlib_linag` to !! compute the determinant \(\det(A)\) where \(A\) is of type !! `Tridiagonal`. !! !! #### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! d = det(A) !! ``` !! !! #### Arguments !! !! - `A` : Matrix of `Tridiagonal` type. !! It is in an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `d` : Determinant of the matrix. pure module function det_rdp(A) result(d) !! Compute the determinant of a `Tridiagonal` matrix. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. real(dp) :: d !! Determinant of the matrix. end function end interface interface trace !! This interface overloads the `trace` interface from `stdlib_linalg` !! to compute the trace of a matrix \( A \) of type `Tridiagonal`. !! !! #### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! tr = trace(A) !! ``` !! !! #### Arguments !! !! - `A` : Matrix of `Tridiagonal` type. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `tr`: Trace of the matrix. pure module function trace_rdp(A) result(tr) !! Compute the trace of a `Tridiagonal` matrix. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. real(dp) :: tr !! Trace of the matrix. end function end interface !------------------------------------------------ !----- Singular Value Decomposition ----- !------------------------------------------------ interface svdvals !! This interface overloads the `svdvals` interface from !! `stdlib_linalg` to compute the singular values of a `Tridiagonal` !! matrix \(A\). !! !! #### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! s = svdvals(A) !! ``` !! !! #### Arguments !! !! - `A` : Matrix of `Tridiagonal` type. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `s` : Vector of singular values sorted in decreasing order. module function svdvals_rdp(A) result(s) !! Compute the singular values of a `Tridiagonal` matrix. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. real(dp), allocatable :: s(:) !! Singular values in descending order. end function end interface interface svd !! This interface overloads the `svd` interface from `stdlib_linalg` !! to compute the the singular value decomposition of a `Tridiagonal` !! matrix \(A\). !! !! #### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call svd(A, s [, u] [, vt]) !! ``` !! !! #### Arguments !! !! - `A` : Matrix of `Tridiagonal` type. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `s` : Rank-1 array `real` array returning the singular values of !! `A`. It is an `intent(out)` argument. !! !! - `u` (optional) : Rank-2 array of the same kind as `A` returning !! the left singular vectors of `A` as columns. !! Its size should be `[n, n]`. !! It is an `intent(out)` argument. !! !! - `vt` (optional) : Rank-2 array of the same kind as `A` returning !! the right singular vectors of `A` as rows. Its !! size should be `[n, n]`. !! It is an `intent(out)` argument. module subroutine svd_rdp(A, s, u, vt) !! Compute the singular value decomposition of a `Tridiagonal` !! matrix. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. real(dp), intent(out) :: s(:) !! Singular values in descending order. real(dp), optional, intent(out) :: u(:, :) !! Left singular vectors as columns. real(dp), optional, intent(out) :: vt(:, :) !! Right singular vectors as rows. end subroutine end interface !-------------------------------------------- !----- Eigenvalue Decomposition ----- !-------------------------------------------- interface eigvals !! This interface overloads the `eigvals` interface from !! `stdlib_linalg` to compute the eigenvalues of a real-valued matrix !! \( A \) whose type is `Tridiagonal`. !! !! #### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! lambda = eigvals(A) !! ``` !! !! #### Arguments !! !! - `A` : `real`-valued matrix of `Tridiagonal` type. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `lambda` : Vector of eigenvalues in increasing order. module function eigvals_rdp(A) result(lambda) !! Utility function to compute the eigenvalues of a real !! `Tridiagonal` matrix. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. complex(dp), allocatable :: lambda(:) !! Eigenvalues. end function end interface interface eig !! This interface overloads the `eig` interface from `stdlib_linalg` !! to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real-valued matrix !! \(A\) whose type is `Tridiagonal`. !! !! #### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call eig(A, lambda [, left] [, right]) !! ``` !! !! #### Arguments !! !! - `A` : `real`-valued matrix of `Tridiagonal`. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `lambda` : Rank-1 `real` array returning the eigenvalues of `A` !! in increasing order. It is an `intent(out)` argument. !! !! - `left` (optional) : `complex` rank-2 array of the same kind as !! `A` returning the left eigenvectors of `A`. !! It is an `intent(out)` argument. !! !! - `right` (optional) : `complex` rank-2 array of the same kind as !! `A` returning the right eigenvectors of `A`. !! It is an `intent(out)` argument. !! !! @note !! No specialized eigensolvers for generic `Tridiagonal` matrices exist !! in LAPACK. This routine thus falls back to wrapping the `eig` !! procedure from `stdlib_linalg` which uses `*geev` under the hood. !! @endnote module subroutine eig_rdp(A, lambda, left, right) !! Utility function to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of !! a `Tridiagonal` matrix. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. complex(dp), intent(out) :: lambda(:) !! Eigenvalues. complex(dp), optional, intent(out) :: right(:, :), left(:, :) !! Eigenvectors. end subroutine end interface !------------------------------------- !----- Utility functions ----- !------------------------------------- interface dense !! This interface provides methods to convert a `Tridiagonal` matrix !! to a regular rank-2 array. !! !! #### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! B = dense(A) !! ``` !! !! #### Arguments !! !! - `A` : Matrix of `Tridiagonal` type. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `B` : Rank-2 array representation of the matrix \( A \). module function dense_rdp(A) result(B) !! Utility function to convert a `Tridiagonal` matrix to a rank-2 !! array. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input diagonal matrix. real(dp), allocatable :: B(:, :) !! Output dense rank-2 array. end function end interface interface transpose !! This interface overloads the Fortran `intrinsic` procedure to define !! the transpose operation for a `Tridiagonal` matrix. !! !! #### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! B = transpose(A) !! ``` !! !! #### Arguments !! !! - `A` : Matrix of `Tridiagonal` type. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! - `B` : Resulting transposed matrix. It is of the same type as `A`. pure module function transpose_rdp(A) result(B) !! Utility function to compute the transpose of a `Tridiagonal` !! matrix. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. type(Tridiagonal) :: B !! Transpose of the matrix. end function end interface interface size pure module function size_rdp(A, dim) result(arr_size) !! Return the size of `Tridiagonal` matrix along a given dimension. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. integer(ilp), optional, intent(in) :: dim !! Queried dimension. integer(ilp) :: arr_size !! Size of the matrix along the dimension dim. end function end interface interface shape pure module function shape_rdp(A) result(arr_shape) !! Return the shape of a `Tridiagonal` matrix. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A !! Input matrix. integer(ilp) :: arr_shape(2) !! Shape of the matrix. end function end interface interface operator(*) pure module function scalar_multiplication_rdp(alpha, A) result(B) !! Scalar multiplication with a `Tridiagonal` matrix. real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A type(Tridiagonal) :: B end function scalar_multiplication_rdp pure module function scalar_multiplication_bis_rdp(A, alpha) result(B) !! Scalar multiplication with a `Tridiagonal` matrix. type(Tridiagonal), intent(in) :: A real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha type(Tridiagonal) :: B end function scalar_multiplication_bis_rdp end interface end module